20 Questions to Help You Say “I Do” to Your Wedding Venue

There’s a special feeling you get when you walk into the right Rocky Mountain wedding venue. For some people, it’s a flutter in the stomach; for others, a beating of the heart. For others still, it’s a calm, happy contentedness – a sense that, “Yeah, this feels right.” 

A wedding venue is one of the most important parts of a wedding and one of the first major decisions you’ll make when it comes to planning your big day. Once you’ve booked your venue, everything else will begin to fall into place. That said, it can be tough to find the perfect spot that suits your style and budget. 

Don’t worry, though – our team here at Rocky Mountain Weddings & Events has your back.   

Before you begin the process of interviewing and touring Rocky Mountain wedding venues, it helps take a moment as a couple to define and clarify your vision. First, prioritize the parts of your wedding that are most important to each of you. Make a list of non-negotiables and a list of nice-to-haves. That way, when you’re swept up by the beauty of this Banff wedding venue or that location in Canmore, you’ll have a single source of truth to guide your thinking and help you stay true to you and your partner’s vision.

Beyond that, it’s important to keep in mind that a venue is much more than just a physical location. By booking that beautiful Lake Louise wedding venue or that picture-perfect Banff lodge, you’re not just plotting out the location of your nuptials – you’re entering into a creative, collaborative working relationship with the venue and its owners. It’s important to make sure you’re comfortable with the policies, procedures, and practices they’ve got in place.

With this in mind, we’ve put together a quick, comprehensive list of questions to help make sure you’re set up for success when it comes to venue viewing and can be confident in your choice when you finally say, “I do.”

What dates do you have open, and how far in advance can we book?

Most venues will let you book just about as far in advance as you’d like – however, there are some tips and tricks worth noting that could help with the booking process and even save you a bit of money along the way. 

The biggest detail worth noting is to consider planning your wedding for a day that isn’t a Saturday. Not only do Saturdays book up far earlier than any other day of the week, but there are sometimes additional expenses associated with booking on this most-popular of wedding days. Long weekends in particular are associated with higher accommodation prices and more crowds, so avoiding these dates can help save money and potential timeline-related heartache.

What kind of communication and frequency can we expect?

Every venue – just like every business owner – has their own unique operational style. Some venue owners will keep in touch constantly. Others will be mostly radio-silent on all but the most critical of updates or milestones. Most fall somewhere in between. Be sure to find a venue that takes an approach that works for you – and don’t feel shy about expressing an opinion on frequency of communication one way or the other!

Table setting with rose glass and pink flower at intimate wedding venue Emerald Lake Lodge

Emerald Lake Wedding Venue: Emerald Lake Lodge | Emerald Lake Wedding Planner: Rocky Mountain Weddings | Canmore wedding florals by Elements Floral | Emerald Lake Wedding Decor by Mountain Event Rentals

Who is our main point-of-contact and what is the best way to get in touch if we have a question?

Knowing whom to reach out to with questions or queries is key when it comes to feeling confident that you can get the answers you need to whatever wedding-related concerns might pop up.

What are the deposit, cancellation, and refund policies?

Once again, knowing the answer to this question will help give you peace of mind when booking and will let you know what to expect should you need to change plans for any reason. 

When is the final balance due? What type of payment is accepted? Is there a payment plan available?

These important details will help make sure you’re prepared to settle up when the time comes and will allow you to prepare payment ahead of time – or to work out a plan in advance of the big day. Our pro tip? Try and process payment on a credit card that earns you travel points or a high rate of cashback to get a little bit extra to put towards that honeymoon.

Dining room of Canmore Wedding Venue Stewart Creek Golf Course

Canmore Wedding Venue: Stewart Creek Golf Course

Do we have to go with a venue’s preferred vendors? Is there any sort of contractual obligation to worry about there?

Including preferred vendor obligations within a venue contract is in fact a practice that happens within the industry – but it’s one we try to keep an arm’s length from. That said, all the wedding venues listed across the Rocky Mountain Wedding Collective’s various sites make use of the same preferred vendor list that we do. 

Preferred vendor lists exist to highlight vendors who both have a positive relationship with a specific venue and understand the ins and outs of their particular space, giving the venue and couple the best chance of a successful event and a positive, memorable experience (similar to how we encourage our clients to collaborate with Rocky Mountain Photo Co. for their wedding photos – there’s a collaborative familiarity and history of success there that we encourage our couples to take advantage of!). 

However, rarely is the preferred vendor list a contractual obligation – typically, they simply exist as a recommendation. If you’re considering a vendor that isn’t on the list, just let us know, and we’ll be happy to chat about it!

Couple cuts wedding cake at Emerald Lake Lodge wedding.

Emerald Lake Wedding Venue: Emerald Lake Lodge | Emerald Lake Wedding Planner: Rocky Mountain Weddings | Canmore wedding florals by Elements Floral | Emerald Lake Wedding Decor by Mountain Event Rentals | Wedding Gown by Sinders Bridal House – Miss Stella York | Cake by DQ

Do you have liability insurance? Are non-local vendors required to have any specific, additional insurance coverage in order to operate within the Bow Valley?

While it should come as a given that any established Rocky Mountain wedding venue has all the proper liability coverage and insurance in place, it’s never a bad idea to ask – you know, just to be sure. With regards to non-local vendors: so long as they get proper coverage to operate within any other part of Alberta, they should be set up for success when it comes to working here in the Rockies, too.

What is generally included in a wedding venue package and what is typically considered to be additional?

There are a lot of details and considerations to keep in mind when booking a venue – some of which are included in just about any package you book, while others are often more piecemeal additions. Ask about specifics around food and beverage, liquor license costs, bartender service, corkage fees, cake-cutting, sound equipment, chairs, linens, tables, and glassware – any or all of these may be considered add-ons, and those costs can build up quick!

When would we have access to the space to set up?

This question is an important one as the situation can vary quite widely from venue to venue. In some instances, you’ll have access to the space the night before to set up, get the lay of the land, and prepare. Oftentimes though, if you want access to that space early, you’ll need to pay for the privilege, because this generally means that the venue will be giving up the opportunity to host another guest event in that space as a result. 

With this in mind, it’s often reasonable to expect to have access to the space on the morning of the event, but not much earlier than that.

How long do we have access to the room – and what other rooms do we have access to?

Again, this answer very much depends on the venue and what their events schedule might look like. You can sometimes get lucky and enjoy access to a space that carries through until the morning after – giving you the time to come back and tidy things up the next day – but typically, you’ll need to have everything cleared out that same evening in order to accommodate whatever event might be taking place in that same space the next day. 

Additionally, it’s worth confirming what other rooms you’ll have access to with your booking – especially if your event space makes up just one element of a larger venue. You’ll want to know ahead of time if you’ll have access to spaces such as a coat room, a cocktail area, a separate room for traditional ceremonies such as a wedding tea ceremony, a room for the wedding party, and storage for decor and equipment, etc., as these can all impact plans or even sway your decision regarding the venue as a whole.

Are accommodations provided – or available at a discounted rate? If not, what are the nearest accommodation options?

Nobody wants to feel like they’re putting their wedding guests out or asking too much of them, causing accommodation details to act as a make-or-break factor for many different couples and events. The owner of your potential venue should be able to fill you in on all relevant info and any discounted rate options they might be able to facilitate. 

Is there a contingency plan in the event of poor weather?

If you’re getting hitched in the Rockies, chances are you’re planning on doing so outdoors. Further to that, if you’re planning to do something on any given day in the mountains, chances are the weather forecast might decide to throw you a bit of a curveball. Know what your venue has to offer in the event of a moody day – and be comfortable knowing that it could be an earnest reality that the back-up plan might well become the main plan – to ensure you’re set up for event success. 

Are there any restrictions around decor? Any overarching venue restrictions to consider? 

Every venue has its own particular dos and don’ts list for detail they can and cannot accommodate. Some of these prohibitions are the result of unique environmental factors and considerations that come from hosting events in the Rocky Mountain ecosystem (i.e.: guidelines around chairs or décor that could damage or stress nearby flora or fauna, etc.), while others might just be idiosyncratic to that specific venue or owner. 

Either way, knowing about these considerations in advance will help make sure you’re happy with your venue choice in the long run.

Covered tent outdoor wedding at Canmore Wedding Venue Stewart Creek Golf Course

Canmore Wedding Venue: Stewart Creek Golf Course | Canmore Wedding Hair and Makeup by Simple Me | Wedding Commissioner: Patrick Smiley | Wedding Florals by Flower House YYC| Wedding Gown by Novelle Bridal |Suits by Derks

Do you have a sound system, podium, and microphone for speeches? A projector and screen for any visuals that guest speakers might want to share?

Knowing what sort of technology’s already in place and what you’d need to rent and install yourself might not be the determining factor in your venue decision, but we’d bet it’ll play an influence, for sure.

Is your staff available to assist with decor takedown once the reception is over?

Given some of the tight turnaround times that guests can run into trying to clean up the aftermath of a wedding reception in the wee hours of the morning, some venues work to ensure staff are available to assist with the tidying – but this is by no means an industry standard. Find out from your venue if this help will be on hand (especially if you can’t come back to finish cleaning up the next day!). 

Is there a secure space that can be used to store gifts, décor, and other valuables?

Some venues have a designated room or space with a lock on it that you can use to store gifts, décor, and valuables in with a relative amount of security – and others simply don’t. Be sure to learn what your venue offers here as you contemplate your decision.

Candlelight at Canmore Winter Wedding at venue Stewart Creek Golf Course

Canmore Wedding Venue: Stewart Creek Golf Course

Canmore Wedding Venue The Malcolm Hotel | Wedding Planning by Boutiq Weddings

Can we move things around, or does the venue mostly have to be left as-is?

Whether it’s shuffling tables, temporarily taking a picture down from a wall, or otherwise reorganizing the event space, each venue owner will have alterations they’re comfortable with and others that they’d rather not entertain. Find out which is which, share your vision for the space, and determine if there are any red flags to consider before signing on that dotted line.

Will you provide signage to help guide guests find their way?

Most established wedding venues will have had these sorts of logistical issues identified and worked out early on in their operational history, but it’s worth learning about their approach to guest management and experience as you explore and consider the space.

Is parking available? Will there be anything else going on that day that will make it hard for guests to park?

Whether you’re looking at a Canmore wedding venue, something within the main Banff townsite, or a space bit further out in Lake Louise, Emerald Lake, or beyond, parking can always be tricky – especially if there are other local events, weddings, or goings-on happening to further strain the often-limited accommodations. Find out what your guests can expect and see about plotting out any solutions with the venue owner should you identify a concern.

Lights strung along ceiling of Emerald Lake Wedding Venue Emerald Lake Lodge

Emerald Lake Wedding Venue: Emerald Lake Lodge | Emerald Lake Wedding Planner: Rocky Mountain Weddings | Canmore wedding florals by Elements Floral | Emerald Lake Wedding Decor by Mountain Event Rentals

These are just a few examples of questions worth asking before you sign on with any particular event space for your big day.. Your venue ultimately makes up the bulk of your wedding expenses, so you should feel confident in the level of customer service you’re receiving from management and staff alike. 

We’re proud to recommend a number of Rocky Mountain wedding venues in Banff, Canmore, Lake Louise, Emerald Lake, and beyond. All our venues have been uniquely curated for their memorable service, delectable food, friendly and accommodating staff, and most importantly, their stunning Rocky Mountain views. 

With all that said, though, we’re always going to take a moment to recommend our own Rocky Mountain Wedding Collective venues: The Gem and mainspace. These spaces offer both stunning design and convenient access, located as they are directly within the Banff and Canmore area. In addition, as venues existing under the RMWC banner, you can look forward to enjoying the benefits of seamless collaboration between venue and event planning teams that work in close partnership together on a daily basis. 

Still having trouble sorting out where you’d like to host the big day? Don’t worry – we’re the only wedding and events planner in Banff to have you covered with immersive, 360° virtual wedding venue tours for some of our most-frequented locations, giving you the opportunity to explore and scrutinize to your heart’s content. 
Got further questions you’d like to chat with someone about? We’re happy to connect. Get in touch with us at Rocky Mountain Weddings & Events to learn more about picking the perfect venue for your perfect day, today.



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